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Birds Of A Feather


The intimidation of the enemy makes him seem like a duck. The enemy seems to fight people who are weak in different of their life. He will disturb the essence of peace that people have when trying to walk in with the heavenly father. Earlier this afternoon, I was sitting at my wife's job when I saw two ducks fighting. One duck was sitting off to itself as the other came over disturbing the peace of the other duck. Afterward, the duck begins to run for its dear life due to an earlier attack and the other duck almost drowning him. Prophetically, the lord spoke to me letting me know that this is how the enemy acts with his people attacking and tempting them with what does not belong to them or trying to get people to take shortcuts in the process of the journey of life. The enemy only has 3 ways to blind people: 1 John 2:15-17

  1. Lust of The Flesh
  2. Lust of The eye
  3. Pride of life

Do not let the enemy bully you by whispering hopeless lies that don't come from the heavenly father. Today let the Father wash your heart, mind, and soul with his word and love. Finally, do not let the enemy pull on the heartstrings of your mind and heart. Forever always renew your mind always be doers and not just hears of the Word of God.

Jeremiah 17-9 Romans 12:1-2 James 1:22

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April 17, 2023
Budget of Life

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April 16, 2023
Birds Of A Feather

Deserunt tempora.


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April 16, 2023

Part 2 of the Duck Saga… Today as my coworkers watched the duck who had been bullied by another duck all week long sitting alone on the concrete resting, they were talking about how lonely he looked.  How they just wanted to feed him and show him so much, love.  It was at that moment, […]

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