4/26/23 Wisdom Wednesday Jesus Loves you! Living on a (Budget) does not just help the body naturally. However, living spiritually helps create a healthy system of reciprocity in the right atmosphere. Proverbs 24:3-4
Part 2 of the Duck Saga… Today as my coworkers watched the duck who had been bullied by another duck all week long sitting alone on the concrete resting, they were talking about how lonely he looked. How they just wanted to feed him and show him so much, love. It was at that moment, God revealed to me that there are some people who are bullied by the same people who friend them when others are not around. God's chosen ones…are those who are set apart and often bullied by family and friends for their decision to walk with Christ. These people are sometimes loners. They spend a lot of time isolated trying to find peace in the most peculiar places. You may be wondering right now who is for me, why do I not have any friends and feel so alone. God has you in a place right now to protect you. He has to isolate you in order to elevate you. 1 John 2:27
NaKeisha Thornton
4/26/23 Wisdom Wednesday Jesus Loves you! Living on a (Budget) does not just help the body naturally. However, living spiritually helps create a healthy system of reciprocity in the right atmosphere. Proverbs 24:3-4
Part 2 of the Duck Saga… Today as my coworkers watched the duck who had been bullied by another duck all week long sitting alone on the concrete resting, they were talking about how lonely he looked. How they just wanted to feed him and show him so much, love. It was at that moment, […]